Thursday, August 5, 2010


Cambria started kindergarten this week. I'm not sure which of us was more nervous. The parents got to stay for the first half hour to do a few projects with the kids and read a story. As she sat at her table, she kept looking back to make sure I was still there. When it was time for me to leave, she looked so scared it was hard for me not to cry. I knew I had to keep it together for her sake. When she came to tell me goodbye, I put on the biggest smile I could muster up, and told her to be brave and have a fun day. I was a bit teary, but I didn't cry. Neither did she. I am so glad she has a few little friends in her class that she knows.


Heidi Hamilton said...

I'm watching all McKinley's friends go to school this year & a part of me is glad I get to keep my little girl in preschool for one more year - it will be hard to send them off to Kindergarten!
But - she is seriously SO cute! She is definitely going to be one you'll have to keep the boys from!
P.S. Adorable pis of Quinley - I think she looks so much like Cambria!

TheKitchenUtensil said...

I can't believe she is already in Kindergarten! She looks so cute! :)

Tami said...

love the outfit!! Aubrie has the same on in her closet for her first day of 1st grade in just a bit!!