Monday, August 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Conner!

I can't believe Conner is 11! It doesn't seem like 11 years have passed.

He had a sleep over birthday party with his friends the night before his "real" birthday. On Saturday, his actual birthday, we went to dinner with the family and then came home for cake and presents. As you can see, we had a little mishap with the cake. Ryan was moving it to the table so we could sing happy birthday and Conner could blow out the candles; it was so slippery that it slid right off the tray and onto the floor. It was such a mess! Being the awesome father that he is, Ryan ran right out and got another cake (cake #2).

Did I mention cake #1 was doomed from the start? I ordered it over the phone and when Ryan went to pick it up, they had written on it: Happy Birthday Comnner. Umm, who's Comnner? Ryan asked for a discount or for them to fix the cake . . so they scrapped off Comnner and wrote Conner. It didn't look so hot. I'd show you a picture but I didn't get one taken before the great fall.

1 comment:

Heidi Hamilton said...

Happy Birthday Conner! Sorry about the cake - bummer! How are you doing? I feel so bad we slacked on visiting teaching last month. I need to call just to catch up with you.